Wednesday, November 01, 2006

A Clean Start

Outside buddhist maniden (temple), Mount Shosha, Himeji.
It is customary to wash your hands before you enter.

It has been one month since I first arrived in Japan. After a long and somewhat idle summer in my beloved Red Deer I have at last found my way to a new life, a new existence in Akashi, not far from Kobe. Dear friends, dear family, this is not to say that I have forgotten any of you. Only that the place I am in is more than a stopping point- it is my home for the next year.

With this home has come a host of new challenges, not the least of which is my job. For the first time in 18 years I am not sitting in a desk with a furled brow that aims to convince my teacher I am completely absorbed by what they're saying. This year, I am the teacher. I create the furled brows. No more cramming, procrastinating, blank staring, or falling asleep at the back of the room. At least on my part. As for my students, well... I can only stay interesting for so long.

Groceries, dry cleaning, video rentals, gym memberships, train passes, bus riding, trip planning- hassles, headaches and chores in even the most familiar of settings. But with a 22-page phrasebook and a heavy accent, my daily activities have become obstacles in a 24 hour, marathon-style course. Though I have yet to encounter a single person who hasn't given me more patience than I perhaps deserve, I have decided that to stay here, I have to learn Japanese. Not a very profound realization, I'll admit- you have my permission to laugh at my naivete in the mean time. I'll warn you though that
I've been practicing my Japanese alphabet (hiragana) every morning on the train with a set of homemade flash cards - I hope to be fluent by next weekend. I'll let you know how well that turns out.

Despite these challenges, however, Japan has been an amazing experience so far. The food and the people, the sights and sounds, but in particular the food, have all been wonderful. This place comes highly recommended from me to you, especially if you want to stay on my tatami.

Hope you all are happy and healthy- I would love to hear just how happy and healthy you are! Feel free to leave comments here on the site, or send me an email for a personal reply. Miss you all, and I'll write again soon.


Blogger Jonathan Simpson said...

Thanks for the comments Laura! Hope everything is going great in the big city. It means a lot to know that I have such awesome friends like you.

12:03 AM  
Blogger Jonathan Simpson said...

Thanks for the nice comments Uncle Ian!

12:03 AM  

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